Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Which are the sexual phantasms of the French?

Tuesday July 26, 2011 2 26 /07 /Juil /2011 20:56

Which are the sexual phantasms of the French?

fantasme.jpgThe institute Harris Interactive leaned, for the account of Marianne, on the sexual phantasms of the French. And the results show that the situations and the places of predilection are appreciated definitely than the celebrities and the political personalities…

If 33% of the questioned women would not say not to George Clooney, they are 43% not to choose any the personalities suggested. In the same way for the men, who are only 30% to leave a chance to Sophie Marceau, while 40% do not choose any the personalities presented.


And the political personalities do not make more fantasmer. Thus, 64% of the men and 89% of the women recognized that none the political personalities suggested did them fantasmer.

But then what makes to fantasmer the French? Probed the places with the personalities prefer. At the head, the beach with 37%, comes then the swimming pool to 29%, and right behind the clearings in the forests with 28%.

If men and women agree on the spot most favourable with frolicking in love, they do not have on the other hand the same phantasms: thus the male phantasms most widespread are the fact of making love with one (E) unknown (E), to be taken by surprised during its sleep, to look at two women making love, and to make love with somebody for whom it is the first time.

As for the most expressed female phantasms, they are characterized primarily by the fact of being taken by surprised in its sleep, of making love the bandaged eyes and of being dominated.

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