Monday, August 15, 2011

my 3rd anniblog (cuckoo!!!!!)

Friday August 12, 2011 5 12 /08 /Ao C /2011 15:20

my 3rd anniblog (cuckoo!!!!!)


I come to make you a p' tit cuckoo!!!!

  the list lengthens for this blog Anniversaire!!!!

you are 34 copinettes but 8 among you left me

a nice message but do not say to me if they want

to take part!!!!!!

go I turn over to my sorting and I received an envelope well dodue 

I make the photographs and I show you the treasures which I received

it is that happiness

4fa11262.jpg 4fa11262.jpg

 edict of Thursday August 11 to 18:48

Thank you for all your nice comments like with those which one relayed on their blog

Noubliez not of mark “I take part” thus I will be able to put

your name (speudo) progressively   with later

   large kisses with all and all


(check if you are well registered (your)  



first of all welcome with my subscribed news of August

if that does not disturb you a p' tit cuckoo to tell me your birth date (the optional year) to supplement my list of right-hand side

moreover I still miss some among you of them!!! hihihi

  Now let us speak about the gifts

for the 1st pulling this lower part of dish which I will decorate 103 0020

or this one smaller or by putting a bottom

one can put a photograph and transform it at it into framework

103 0021

and if you are numerous I will do one the 2nd pulling to gain

one of these three headstocks (you will be able to choose among its

three colors)

    103 0324

103 0328


inscription to take part 

dice now and only on this article you

 can make circulate if you want it but none


result on September 5, 2011 at the evening dates birthday

 of my blog  

 good luck with all

LIST PARTICIPANTS (ES) to check if you are well registered                   if not do not hesitate with me to say it!!!!!!

some one put to me a COM but do not say to me if they take part  

01 Lilacs

02 Vanille09 To validate

03 Caro

04 Nany

05 Nina To validate

06 Mireille of Fine sand

07 Kiki To validate

08 Tortoise To validate

09 Bernadette

010 passionsdemoun17    To validate

011 Tilique974 To validate

012 Dametatale

013 Stef and its weasel

014 Maricharl   To validate

015 Mimi 67 To validate

016 Lepetitcolibri To validate

017 Gordy   To validate

018 Escargotine   To validate

019 Passoin and Co     To validate

020 Genevieve To validate

021 Viviane To validate

022 Mimile56 To validate

023 Tinou66 To validate

024 Miou To validate

025 Hirondelle1948

026 gypsy     to validate

027 Jacquie to validate

028 kiki70 to validate

029 Janine to validate

030 Altéa to validate

031 Nicolepassion to validate

032 Stella

033 lesdoudousdeloulou to validate

034 Isa (ptitjardin) to validate



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